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Puan Maharani urges PDIP Legislative Members to Maximize the Implementation of Council Functions for People's Welfare

Senin, Januari 10, 2022 | 15.13 WIB | Last Updated 2022-01-10T13:26:53Z

GEN-ID 🇮🇩 | Jakarta, January 10, 2022 - On the 49th anniversary of the Partai Demokrasi Indonesia-Perjuangan (PDI-P), Chairwoman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, appealed to members of the party who have a position at various levels of the House of Representatives (DPR) both central, provincial, and district-city to maximize the implementation of the functions of the council which includes the functions of legislation, budgeting, and supervision for the interest of the people, especially in a pandemic situation like the last 21 months.

“Currently, PDI-P has 18 directors and 12 deputy directors of the DPRD and 416 members of the Provincial DPRD. Also 167 directors and 148 deputy directors and 3,232 members of the Regency/City DPRD. This means that PDI-P has great power to maximize the implementation of the council's functions, namely the functions of Legislation, Budgeting, and Supervision, which are directed to the interest of the people in the Covid-19 pandemic," Said Puan in Technical Guidance to the party's DPRD Members, which was held simultaneously with the anniversary of the party on January 10.

According to Puan, as PDI-P cadres, legislators should honor the party's long journey that spanned nearly five decades in Indonesian politics. She also reminded that the PDI-P's victory in the 2019 election gave the party a strong presence in the legislative pillar. "With the immense power of PDI-P in the legislative institution, we can make policies, prepare program and budget allocations, to solve problems faced by the people."

One of these problems, according to Puan, is the COVID-19 pandemic whose impact is felt by the people, not only on the health aspect but also on daily life, especially the economy and people's welfare. She even underlined the increasing number of cases of the new Omicron variant that occurred after positive cases in Indonesia decreased in June 2021.

"Therefore, we understand the decision of President Joko Widodo to extend the status of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia to suppress the rate of transmission of Covid-19, which is still happening," Said Puan.

Puan also said that since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, DPR-RI had supported the government to act quickly to protect the people.

"Various state policies have been carried out to quickly respond to the treatment of the Covid-19 pandemic to protect the people and ensure the functions of the state government in providing public services to the people," said Puan.

Puan also wants all PDI-P cadres to learn from experience as a nation in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. Once again, according to her, the Indonesian people can prove that only with good cooperation can a nation face and overcome any serious problems such as those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


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